2014.10.31  由副会长王健女士策划, 科工专协助北京市投资促进局在芝加哥举办项目洽谈活动。

2014.11.1  科工专应邀参加2014四川省(芝加哥)海外高层次人才推介洽谈会并和四川省代表团签署了合作意向书。

2014.12.13  科工专在芝城北郊召开工作会议,近三十位主要负责人及理事参加了会议并讨论了2015年度的工作计划。

2014.12.18 科工专应邀请参加在芝加哥举行的国务院副总理汪洋与美国商务部长普利兹克第二十五届中美商贸联委会会议

2015.2.10 科工专,药源及芝加哥大学教授与河北冀衡集团肖辉董事长一行会晤,商讨在生物医药方面的合作。会长徐向东和副会长朱贵东博士等嘉宾出席了这次活动。

2015.2.22 科工专会长徐向东作为特邀嘉宾出席芝加哥九校春晚并上台为大家抽奖,并祝大芝加哥侨学各界朋友新春快乐,万事如意。

2105.2. 28 科工专与大芝加哥华人妇女商会的职员和志愿者们,特别来到中国城28街老人院给老人家拜年送吉祥。水果、糕点、文艺节、热闹喜庆的氛围,让安度晚年的华裔老人家们体验到社区的温暖。

2015.3.7 旅美中国科学家工程师专业人士协会(科工专)暨各大校友会喜迎新春,共同迎接羊年到来。三百多位各界嘉宾于3月7日(星期六)晚在华埠彩蝶轩酒楼共同品美酒、尝佳肴。在欢歌笑语中表达节日问候共度佳节。

2015.5.5 科工专会员及芝加哥高校学生参观著名高科技孵化器1871,活动由副会长姜鸿博士启动组织。

2015.7.8 科工专、各大校友会、专业人士协会联合主办的2015夏季野餐联谊大会,于7月18日在芝加哥西北郊圆满落幕。

2015.7.22 科工专会长徐向东出席总领馆组织的世界反法西斯暨抗日战争胜利70周年座谈会, 并在大会上发言

2015.8.22 科工专组织会员参加大芝加哥地区纪念世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年举办的黄河大合唱。

2015.9.19 科工专成员参加华裔活跃人士马静仪(Theresa Mah)在芝城西郊的餐会, 前会长周麓波演讲,呼吁华裔社区,争取华裔权益。

2015.10.24 科工专第23届年会10月24日在芝加哥西郊隆重举行,年会宣布新届理事会选举结果,梁琨荣膺科工专新届会长,这是科工专成立20多年来迎来首位女会长。

2014.10.31 ACSE met the Beijing Municipal Investment Promotion delegation during their one-day visit  in Chicago area.

2014.11.1 ACSE met with Sichuan Province talent recruitment delegation at Chicago overseas talents symposium organized by the 21st Century Institute and signed a letter of agreement for future collaboration.

2014.12.13 Over 30 ACSE working team and Board members kicked off the first leadership meeting for the 2014-2015 term. The meeting discussed and laid out the future plans of ACSE in 2015.

2014.12.18 ACSE was invited to participate World Business Chicago on the occasion of the 25th session of the U.S.-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade (JCCT), led by Chinese Deputy Prime Minister Wang Yang and the US Commerce Secretary Pritzker.

2015.2.10 Hebei JiHeng Group delegation led by its Chairman Mr. Xiao Hui visited Chicago and met with leaders from ACSE, Yaoyuan and professor of University of Chicago to discuss potential future collaboration in biomedical field. President Xu Xiangdong and Vice President Dr. Zhu Guidong attended the event.

2015.2.22 ACSE president, Mr. Xiangdong Xu, was invited to attend the Chicago Chinese Student’s 2015 Spring Festival Gala as a special guest. He delivered a greeting speech and appreciated local Chinese students’ contribution to ACSE organization and beyond.

2105.2. 28 Volunteers from ACSE and the Chinese Women’s Chamber of Commerce of the Greater Chicago came to China Town’s nursing home for seniors and celebrated Chinese New Year with them.

2015.3.7 ACSE and other major alumni associations delivered a successful party at Chicago’s China Town to celebrated the Lunar New Year of Sheep.

2015.5.5 ACSE organized an onsite visit at the famous high-tech incubator 1871 of Chicago, over 30 people participated this event.

2015.7.8 ACSE coordinated and organized 2015 summer picnic that accommodated over 500 people from the greater Chicago area. This event has been one of the largest social gathering for local Chinese community!

2015.7.22 ACSE president, Mr. Xiangdong Xu, delivered a speech at a symposium as part of the series events to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the world anti-fascist war.

2015.8.22 As one of the Co-Chairs, ACSE showed strong support to “Yellow River chorus” as part of the series events to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the world anti-fascist war.

2015.9.19 ACSE members participated Theresa Mah evening party.  Former ACSE president Dr. Lubo Zhou advocated support for Chinese community

2015.10.24 ACSE convened its 23rd annual conference “Perspective and Applications of Innovative Technologies: Focusing on Environmental and Pharmaceutical Industries “. Mrs. Liang Kun was elected as the first female president of ACSE.


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