2017.10.7 科工专在Holiday Inn 举行第25届年会,主题为“与时俱进,迎接

2017.10.28 科工专大数据分会举办讲座,邀请UIC教授给参会人员做区块链讲座.

2017.11.12 科工专在Schaumburg 举行盛大的25周年庆祝酒会,洪磊总领事和100多位政商嘉宾出席了会议。 会议由副会长王健主持,第17届会长郭海波回顾了协会前20年的发展历程,第21届到第25 届会长倪成平,王涛,徐向东,梁琨讲述了自己任期内的工作。第26届新任会长肖小林做了工作计划报告.

2017.12.7 科工专在芝城北郊召开工作会议,近四十位工作团队成员及理事参

2017.12.8 科工专在芝加哥市区举办AI讲座


2017.12 科工专硅谷分会成立,罗文迪任首任会长

2017.12 肖小林会长受邀参加白宫亚裔倡议会执行董事主席Ms. Holly Ham 午餐座谈会

2018.2.21 科工专核心团队在名轩饭店设宴接待国侨办主任裘援平一行, 并进行了座谈


2018.2.22 科工专参加国侨办春节送年饭暨住芝加哥总领馆新春招待会

 2018.3.10 科工专在IIT组织云南省赴美高层次人才招聘暨项目洽谈会,云南代表团由十几位省厅领导和高校领导组成,肖小林会长,科技参赞蒋德华参加了会议


2018.3.12 科工专协办“2018 Clean-Tech InnoStars” 活动,肖小林会长, 陈德巧副会长及 能源环保分会成员出席了该活动


 2018.4.25 科工专堪萨斯分会成立,荣磊担任首任会长

 2018.4 肖小林会长应邀参加中国第二届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛


 2018.8.21 科工专与芝加哥地区各大校友会、专业人士协会联合举办的2018夏季野餐联谊会,600多位大芝加哥地区侨学各界人士欢聚在北郊风景如画的(Deer Grove Forest Palatine)森林公园,一起享受周末好时光,加强侨学各界的交流联谊。

2018.8.25 科工专核心团队在半岛酒店参加欢送洪磊总领事离任招待会, 肖小林会长代表科工专致辞,回顾洪磊总领事任期内对侨社的杰出贡献,祝福洪总离任后工作顺利

2018.9.20 科工专团队参加总领馆国庆招待会


2018.10.13 科工专在DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel举行第26届年会, 主题为“未来覆者人工智能,区块链和其他科技新的用和展望”

2018.12.1 肖小林会长参加侨联副主席李波一行在纽约举行的美国专业社团座谈会,与其他专业社团交流经验


 2019.1.12 科工专第五届会长金观源在芝加哥总领馆做讲座“传统中医的现代解读”


2019.2.2 科工专,芝加哥各大学校友会、各大学中国学生学者联谊会暨其他华人专业人士团体在中国城富丽华大酒店联合举办新春联欢晚宴,共贺新春

2019.2.17 科工专接待江苏省海外友好交流协会会长杨岳一行到访并座谈交流

2019.3.8 科工专团队在半岛酒店参加赵建总领事履新上任招待会


2019.3.9 科工专协办“中美冲突时期美国华裔面临的新环境”研讨会,与FBI及法律专家面对面交流。肖小林会长,周建刚副会长,黄正东法律顾问等参加了研讨会


2019.3.17 科工专在希林西北中文学校举办教育讲座:如何培养全面发展的孩子,讲座深受家长们的好评,讲座由科工专秘书长楚非组织并主持


2019.4.14 科工专在瑞华中文学校举办讲座: 听行业专家聊职业。金融,IT,法律等方面的专家给年轻人分享了职业选择的经验。讲座由科工专秘书长楚非组织并主持



2019.5.11 科工专参加在中国城举行的亚裔文化节活动


2019..21肖小林会长担任伊利诺伊州州务卿亚裔事务顾问, 参加州务卿办公室庆祝亚裔月活动


2019.5.19 科工专参加接待中国侨联万立骏主席一行访问芝加哥并座谈,肖小林会长代表科工专发言






2019.8.10 科工专与各大校友会联合举办的野餐会在西北郊(Willow Stream Park, Buffalo Grove)森林公园举行,赵建总领事,芝加哥黑鹰球队等700余人参加了野餐会


2019.9.15 科工专花车参加芝加哥中国70周年国庆和中美正式建交40周年庆典游行,肖小林会长作为共同主席出席了活动


2019.9.27 科工专参加百人会在硅谷组织的”美国华裔科研人员面临的新挑战 “研讨会, 副秘书长Lisa Wong出席了会议

2019.9.29 肖小林会长,梁琨理事长应邀代表科工专赴北京参加庆祝中华人民共和国建国70周年庆典


2017.10.7  The 25th annual conference,  Unlatching Opportunities and Challenges Evolved from the Digital Revolution, was held at Holiday Inn.

2017.10.28 The Big Data Branch of ACSE hosted a seminar topic as ’Block Chain’. The keynote speaker was a professor at UIC .

2017.11.12 The ACSE 25th anniversary celebration party was held in Schaumburg. Mr. Hong, Lei, General Consul of PRC, along with more than 100 VIPs joined the celebration. The party was hosted by Wang Jian, VP in ACSE. Guo, Haibo as a representative of ACSE presidents, addressed in the party. He summarized the development of ACSE in the first 20 years. The 21st to 25th Presidents (Ni Chengping, Wang Tao, Xu Xiangdong and Liang Kun) all gave their speeches. The new 26th president, Xiao Xiaolin, shared her work plan during her tenure.

2017.12.7 ACSE held a working team meeting with over 40 team members participated. We went over yearly work plan and other items.

2017.12.8 ACSE held an AI seminar at Chicago

2017.12 Professor Huang, Yonggang was appointed as the ACSE honorary advisor. Professor Huang is a Fellow of the National Academy of Engineering of the US, a Fellow of the National Academy of Scientists and Arts of the US, and a Foreign Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. 

2017.12 The Silicon Valley chapter of ACSE was established, with Wendy Luo as the first president

2017.12 Xiao Xiaolin was invited to join the Chicago AAPI leaders luncheon with Ms. Holly Ham, Executive Director of WHIAAPI2

2018.2.21. ACSE hosted a reception for a delegation led by Ms. Qiu Yuanping, the Director of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office.

2018.2.22  ACSE participated in the Spring Festival Reception hosted by both the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office and the Consulate General of the PRC in Chicago

2018.3.10 ACSE welcomed Yunan delegation and hosted a high-level talent recruitment and project negotiation meeting the delegation at IIT. President Xiao Xiaolin and Science and Technology Counselor Jiang Dehua attended this fair

2018.3.12 ACSE co-organized “2018 Clean-Tech InnoStars” event. President Xiao Xiaolin, Vice President Chen Deqiao and members from the Energy and Environmental Protection department attended the event

2018.4.25 The Kansas Chapter of ACSE was established. Mr. Rong, Lei became the first president

2018.4 President Xiao, Xiaolin was invited to attend “The Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation“  in Beijing

2018.7 President Xiao, Xiaolin and former President Yao, Haitao were invited to attend an overseas talent exchange meeting in Zhoushan, Zhejiang 

2018.8.21  ACSE 2018 Summer Picnic with over 600 people participated 

2018.8.25  ACSE members attended the farewell reception for Consul General Hong, Lei at the Peninsula Hotel. President Xiao, Xiaolin, on behalf of ACSE, made a speech. She expressed our deep appreciation to Hong, Lei’s outstanding contributions during his tenure, and wished him the best for his future endeavor 

2018.9.20 ACSE joined the reception for celebrating the Chinese National Day  hosted by the Consulate General

2018.10.13 ACSE 26th annual conference was held at the DoubleTree Hotel, with the theme of “Disruptors of the Next Decade: Block-chain, AI, Technology and Social Innovations”

2018.12.1 President Xiao Xiaolin and the leaders from other Chinese American professional organizations welcomed a delegation led by Li Bo, Deputy Director of the Overseas Chinese Federation  

2019.1.12 Former ACSE president, Jin, Guanyuan, had a seminar of “Modern Interpretation of Traditional Chinese Medicine” at Consulate General of the PRC in  Chicago.  Dr. Jin was the fifth president of ACSE.

2019.2.2 ACSE held a grand Chinese New Year Gala Dinner at the Furama restaurant in Chinatown 

2019.2.17 ACSE team welcomed a delegation of Jiangsu Oversea Affairs Association 

2019.3.8 ACSE team was invited to attend the reception for welcoming Consul General Zhao, Jian to Chicago at the Peninsula Hotel

2019.3.9 ACSE co-hosted a seminar of “The New Reality Facing Chinese Americans During the U.S.-China Conflict”. We had a chance of directly discussing with the FBI agents and legal experts. President Xiao, Xiaolin, Vice President Zhou, Jiangang and ACSE Legal Advisor Huang, Zhengdong attended this event.

2019.3.17 ACSE hosted a seminar at Xilin Northwest Chinese School: How to Cultivate All-round Development of Children. This seminar attracted many parents to attend. The seminar was organized and hosted by the Secretary General Dr. Chu Fei  

2019.4.14 ACSE hosted a seminar at Ray Chinese School: Industry experts talk about careers. Experts in the fields of finance, IT and law shared their career advices with young generation. The seminar was organized and hosted by the Secretary General Dr. Chu Fei  


2019.5.11 ACSE participated in the Asian Cultural Festival held in China Town

2019.5.21 As Illinois Secretary of State’s Asian Affairs Advisor, President Xiao Xiaolin participated in the celebration of the Asian American Month in the Secretary of State’s Office

2019.5.19 ACSE welcomed a delegation led by Wan, Lijun, Chairman of the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese. President Xiao, Xiaolin gave a speech on behalf of ACSE

2019.5.30  Xiao Xiaolin participated in the commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the construction of the railway by Chinese labors at the Chinatown Museum in Chicago

2019.7.29 President Xiao, Xiaolin attended a conference held by Chinses Federation of Overseas in Beijing. President Xiao was honored to give a speech at the conference to share our ACSE experiences with other participants.

2019.8.10 ACSE 2019 Summer picnic with more than 700 attendees participated. This picnic was at Willow Stream Park, Buffalo Grove. Consul General Zhao, Jian and members from the Chicago Blackhawks attend the picnic.

2019.9.15 ACSE participated in the Chicago parade for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of National Day and  the 40th anniversary of the establishment of official diplomatic relations between China and the United States. President Xiao, Xiaolin attended this event as co-chairman

2019.9.27 ACSE was invited to a closed meeting at Silicon Valley, CA: “Science and Technology Caught Between the U.S. and China – The Challenges Facing Chinese American Researchers”. This meeting was organized by the Committee of 100. The Deputy Secretary-General Lisa Wong, representing ACSE, attended this event

2019.9.29 President Xiao, Xiaolin and Chairman Liang, Kun were invited to attend the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the National Day of PRC in  Beijing.

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