1992.4.18. 旅美中国科学家工程师协会成立大会在芝加哥市举行。

1992.5.28. 协会完成了在美国依利诺州的注册手续。

1992.5.-1993.9. 协会先后与海南省, 国家科委高新技术司, 沈阳市, 国家外国专家局, 国家科委规划考察团, 国家科委”星火计划”, 广东省招聘团, 国家教委招聘团,北大方正集团, 国家智能计算机系统”八六三”专家组, 中科集团公司等访美团举行座谈。

1992.5.31. 协会《简讯》第一期出版。

1992.7-1993.2. 协会与依利诺大学芝加哥分校(UIC)合作, 为中国农机贸易考察团, 上海市机电行业经理代表团, 广西省机械行业培训团, 中国科技计划管理人员举办培训班。


1992.8.8-1993.4. 协会举办六期暑期”立足发展”系列讲座,四期冬季”经济投资”系列讲座,四期春季”技术开发”系列讲座 。


1992.9.12. 协会首届年会。中国驻美国大使李道豫, 美国驻中华人民共和国首任大使伍德科克(Leonard Woodcock)和全美华商会会长姚李恕信博士出席发表演讲。

1992.10. 阮祖望秘书长回国访问,会见了国家科委,外专局,中科院等领导,签定两项合作意向书.

1992.10.18. 举办“面向未来:新现实与新挑战—就业、转业、创业”为主题的秋季座谈会。


1992.11.11. 协会理事会审议通过了协会工作机构的工作条例,地区分会和团体会员条例、协会与会员所拥有的企业的关系条例、协会财务制度、培训工作方案和协会聘请顾问的规定。

1993.1. 协会会徽经会员投票决定。


1993.1.28. 协会第一次主办大芝加哥华人”鸡年中国文化日”春节联欢。


1993.4.10-25. 熊天渝会长回国访问,会见中央有关部委领导,与国家科委科技交流中心、国家外国专家局中国国际人才交流协会等签订了合作协议书。


1993.7.10 第一个地区分会, 美东地区分会在纽约正式成立,冯朝虹为首任会长。

1993.10.7. 密尔瓦契地区分会正式成立,金观源为首任会长。

1993.10.23. 协会为长江三峡工程代表团举办报告会。


1994.1. 协会向美国联邦税务局(IRS)申请的免税地位获得正式批准。

1994.2.4. 协会与芝加哥地区其他华人团体共同主办春节联欢晚会。

1994.2.25. 协会章程正式公布

1994.3. 协会举办春季系列专题讲座。

1994.5.19. 阮祖望会长代表协会致函严正抗议美国哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)对中国旅美人士的”间谍”污蔑。


1994.6.11. 协会举行大型野餐郊游会,约四百名学人及家属参加。

1994.9.17 协会举行第二届年会。前联邦参议员,SMC国际公司董事长史蒂文森(Adlai Stevenson),诺贝尔经济学奖获得者, 芝加哥大学米勒教授(Merton Miller),中国驻美大使馆科技处王曾荣公使等出席并作演讲。



1994.10. 协会聘请首批荣誉顾问:加州大学伯克利分校校长田长霖,美国驻中华人民共和国首任大使伍德科克,中国国家科委主任宋健。


1994.10.7. 为国务院侨办刘泽彭副主任率领的“锦绣中华”艺术团举办大型演出,上千人出席。


1995.7.19. 协会与来访的杨汉炎副局长率领的国家外国专家局访美团商讨“中美工程技术研讨会”筹备工作。熊天渝应邀参加第二届会议,成为参加该会的第一位大陆旅美学人,并任能源专题主席。




1995.8. 协会发起为辽宁省洪水灾区捐款赈灾。何建良应邀为国家科委规划会”香山会议”报告磁旋浮列车。


1992, 4. 18: Founding conference of ACSE was held in Chicago.


1992, 5-1993, 9: Hosted eleven delegations from China including two delegations from China’s Science & Technology Council.


1992,5, 31:  The first <<ACSE Newsletter>> published.

1992, 7:  In collaboration with Univ. of Illinois at Chicago, ACSE organized training sessions for China Farming Machinery Delegation, Shanghai Electric Machinery Delegation, Guangxi Engineering Delegation and China Science & Technology Administrators Delegation.

1992, 8-1993, 4:  ACSE held six “Career Development” symposiums, four “Investment” symposiums and four “Technology Development” symposiums.

1993, 9, 12:  The first ACSE annual meeting was held in Chicago.  China’s Ambassador to the US, Mr. Daoyu Li, the first US Ambassador to China, Mr. Leonard Woodcock and The President of All-America Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Ms. Ruxin Yao-Li attended the meeting and delivered keynote speeches.

1992, 10:  ACSE Secretary Dr. Zuwang Ruan visited China, met officials of the State Science Council, Foreign Expert Bureau, and The Chinese Academy of Sciences and signed two Letters of Collaboration.

1992.10.18. Fall Symposium on “Face the Future: New Reality and Challenges – Employment, Career Change, and Entreprenuership”

1992.11.11 Board of Directors voted and passed org chart, bylaw, local chapters, membership, finance, training.

1993.1 ACSE flag voted by members. 


1993, 1, 28:  ACSE organized great-Chicago “Year-of-Rooster Chinese Culture Day” Spring Festival gala.

1993,4.10-25. President Xiong Tian-yu visited China, and met with secretaries of several ministries, national science and technology exchange center, national bureu of foreign scientist. 

1993, 7, 10:  the first ACSE local chapter was established in New York City.  Mr. Zhaohui Feng was elected the first President.

1993, 10, 7:  ACSE Milwaukee Chapter established.  Mr. Guanyuan Jin was elected the first President.

1993, 10, 23:  ACSE held a symposium for the Three-Gorge Project Delegation.

1994, 2, 4:  ACSE, in collaboration with other community organizations in Chicago, organized the spring festival party.

1994.1 ACSE IRS tax exempt application was granted.

1994.2.4 ACSE held Chinese new year celebration party, together with other Chicago Chinese communities. 

1994, 2, 25: << ACSE By-Laws>> was formal adopted.

1994, 5, 19:  ACSE President Zuwang Ruan communicated with CBS, protesting CBS’s false accusation of Chinese American as “espionages”.

1994, 6, 11:  ACSE held summer picnic. 

1994, 9, 17:  The 2nd ACSE annual meeting was held.  Former US Senator and CEO of SMC Corp. Mr. Adlai Stevenson, Nobel Laureate and University of Chicago Professor of Economics Merton Miller, and The Science & Technology Consul from Chinese Embassy in Washington DC, Mr. Tong Zeng, attended the meeting and gave keynote speeches.

1994, 10:  ACSE named lts’ first group of honorary advisors, including the later Dr. Chang-lin Tian, then University of California at Berkeley Chancellor; Mr. Leonard Woodcock, first US Ambassador to China; and Mr. Jian Song, then the Director of China’s Science & Technology Council.

1994, 10, 7:  ACSE organize the performance of the artist troupe “China The Beautiful” led by the Deputy Director of Overseas Chinese Affair Office, Mr. Zepeng Liu.  Over one thousand people attended the performance.

1995, 7, 19:  ACSE held discussion with a delegation led by the Deputy Director of the Foreign Expert Bureau, Mr. Hanyan Liu, in preparation for the “China-US Engineering & Technology Forum”.  Dr. Tianyu Xiong was invited to join the forum and serve as the Chairman of the Energy Session.

1995, 7, 28:  ACSE merged with <<The Association of American Chinese Professionals>> led by Wenbin Yong, Xirong Bian, Xiaobo Li and Yonggao Wang.  The combined organization retained the original English name, registration, and By-Laws of ACSE.  The Chinese name of the association was modified to reflect this change.

1995, 8:  ACSE held fund raising for the flood victims in Liaonin Province of China. ACSE President Jianliang He was invited to the “Xiangshan” conference of China’s Science & Technology Council, giving a talk on magnetic elevated train technology.


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